Saturday, July 18, 2009

What? Its over?

AHHHHH! I left Berlin this morning. I still don't believe that I did. I had to say goodbye to Felix and Charlotte a day before I left because they went to their grandparent's house. I teared up when we were waving to them as their train left. I can not believe 6 weeks are over. I feel so strange because part of me feels like I have been there for a really long time but the other half of me can not seem to grasp what I did. All the time seems to blend together. I know I have done so much everyday but I feel like all of it molded into one big blur. Of course I remember so much and there is so much I will miss but I am just not really able to grasp that my time there is over.

This morning, Kathleen and I got up really early and caught our train to Munich. I had to say a sad farwell to my apartment at 5:45 this morning. Dropping off the keys into my neighbor's mailbox (because the parents left to meet their kids) was so sad. There was no way back in after that. Plus it was raining which made me feel even more depressed.

But it was interesting dragging all of our luggage onto the train. Interesting isn't really the correct word...difficult and exhausting described it better. We have a decent amount of stuff and so did everyone else on the train so it was a kind of race to get your stuff on and into a holding shelf as fast possible. We also had to kick an american lady out of our seats which she was not too happy about at first. But just as she started to cause a scene she suddenly became really nice and asked us about our trip...really strange.

But now Kathleen and I are in our Hostel...and it is still down pouring. We plan to spend the day in Munich tomorrow seeing things. Tonight there is a bar crawl we might try to join. And then Monday we are hoping to go possibly to Neuschwanstein. I have already been there but Kathleen has not and we found a program that will take you hiking up the mountain next to it, biking around the old area, into the castle, for a swim in a lake and this crazy slide thing down the side of the mountain. Its a little pricey so were still debating but it would be really fun if we do. So we will see.

Other than that I am waiting for my parents to get here!!! They come in THREE days! I cannot wait to see them. We will have three more days here and then its to ITALY! I literally cannot wait to sit in the beautiful village of Pozzilli! It is so beautiful there and I love being with all of the family.

I am so sad the first six weeks are over and Berlin in a place I will never forget. I will miss my wonderful German family of course, flowers billowing out of balconies, milchkaffee, little dogs everywhere, the world's cutest babies, the man that sits everyday between the S and U bahn at Potsdammer Platz always painting a new picture, my class, random stone streets, everyone on bicycles with baskets (including those in business suits), Milka, and most of all the language. I will miss the cute little kids that get on the S-bahn and speak german together. I know all I will want to do when I get home is speak German and I cant! I think that will be the most frusterating thing.

But I cannot wait for Italy! I will try to update when I can but I am doubtful there will be much internet when we get to Italy. I hope all is well back home and have a safe flight mom dad and Jeffrey! I cant wait to see you guys!!!!

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