Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wir gehen in die Tiergarten und BIERGARTEN!

Guten Tag jedenmann!

I have officially fallen in love with Berlin. I love the people, the architecture, the food, most importantly the beer and the family I am living with. I may never come back. Just kidding. There is plenty I miss about America but there is just so many wonderful things here.

My host sister, Charlotte, wants to bring me in for show-and-tell... I think I'm flattered? Either that or I may really be something odd to look at. I am supposed to go into her english class and talk to the kids about the USA. I'll let you know how awkward that ends up being when I go in a few weeks.

I began my German class and there are only about 8 of us in the class which is nice. My teacher told us she doesn't speak any english (which I think she lied about in order to force us to try harder) but the class itself seems pretty easy. We have only had one class so far so maybe that is all but I had no problems understanding her. Alles war sehr klar.

We didn't have class today so Kathleen, Anna, and I went exploring. We naturally found a mall first which was fun but not as amazing as the bakeries we stopped at. OH WOW. I can't even justly describe the things that were in these Backeri's. Not only delicious smelling bread but pastries and incredible coffee. We first got a chocolate Cressant and it was to die for. Melt in your mouth amazing. I got an Apfelstrudel (apple strudel) and that was so good too.

Next we ventured to the Tiergarten, literally translated means Animal Garden. I navigated us there (considering I am a pro Berliner now :) ) and it was a beautiful part of the city near the Brandenburger Tor. It was a huge park that went for miles filled with flowers and yes, of course, animals. They had a section with exotic birds and other animals. We kept hearing this one strange roar from an animal we never found and Anna was certain they were keeping a dinosaur locked up somewhere. I agreed.

We made our way to a Biergarten and ordered out first authentic German bier. It was amazing and a lot more effective than American Beer. I know I don't drink often but I immediately felt this.

We shared a pizza and got the bright idea to get in one of the rowboats near the Biergarten. It was a lot of fun and took a lot of balancing on our parts to not completely tip it over. There were a few close calls though don't worry.

Me and Anna Trying to row out of the bushes

Me and Kathleen!!

Tomorrow I have class from 9-3 but Thursday we are going to see a German movie with everyone in the program and then start on our first night out. It is very convenient that I have an apartment so we can all come back to the same place and no one has to travel home by themselves at night.

Sometimes I think I have "American" literally written on my forehead. Germans stare at me a lot and I'm thinking I must wear or do obviously American things. Like wear flip-flops. Today for the first time I finally saw someone wearing sandals. I usually get confused looks at my feet. I mean I don't have the prettiest feet either but it's not like I have six toes. Maybe they stare because I stare at them sometimes, but other times, I think its just me. Oh well who knows. I am excited to meet new people here. We already drag that poor kid I met the first day when I was lost everywhere we go. I feel bad because he is such a quiet kid and the three of us just gab about the dumbest things all day. He has to hate it but he hangs out with us still so maybe not? I think I will become good friends with the other 7 people in my class so that will be good.

Anyways, I will write more some other time when something exciting happens. Kathleen showed me how to add pictures so I will post some and add the ones of my flat below. Talk to you all soon!


  1. HEy BUTT. Im such a loser but i cant wait to come home and check your blog. I think is so interesting... dont worry i do have a life.. well not really cuz your not home. So glad you called today! but so sad i could not talk long. stupid work. Alright cant wait to see what you write next. Love ya later skater

  2. ahhhhhh love your blog...i just want to keep reading forever and then it comes to an end and i get sad...i'm so jealous, everything sounds amazing! and you looked so cute today in your little outfit with your little scarf--you little cute scarf-boater you! : ) hehe...Love you and miss you hunny!

  3. Thanks guys! That makes me so happy haha. Its good to know someone is reading these besides my mom and dad. :) Love you and miss you both!
