Friday, June 12, 2009

Unter den Linden

Guten Tag Alle!

Berlin has continued to get better and better. I really can not believe I am here most of the time. I have to constantly remember that I am in Germany and that it is real. The thing that makes me the happiest is to think that I have 5 more weeks here! The first one definitely flew by as I know the others will but I hope to make the most of the next five weeks. We made a list of all the things we want to do, foods we want to try, and places we want to go today. I think this will be helpful in accomplishing everything we hope to do before we go.

School is going really well. Anna is in my class but unfortunately Kathleen is in another one. We still go to lunch together though since were in the same building. I met a boy from Rome and one from Barcelona. There are a few kids from London as well and other countries. It is so cool to meet people from all around the world! I don't know how I would have been able to otherwise. Like always, they speak English too because almost all Europeans know at least another language besides their own. It makes me jealous that they are working on their third or fourth while I am trying so hard for a second.

Its been raining here a lot but it's supposed to get nicer next week. I'm keeping my fingers crossed because I definitely didn't sufficiently pack for this kind of weather.

We got stuck in the rain on the way to lunch. It came out of no where

A building on the corner of the street of my school. I think its beautiful.

Last night we went out in search of a restaurant and to get drinks as well. We ended up in Oranienburg Strasse and ate at a great Indian Restaurant. I know I know I'm in GERMANY so why would we eat at and Indian restaurant? Because the place was that cool. It was all outside but made you feel like you were inside. It has been really cold her this week so they had heaters set up everywhere. It was extremely colorful and had really good drinks. We all ordered a shot together to toast to our trip in Berlin.

This is what the restaurant looked like

Me and Perot, the boy I met the first day when I was lost

Anna and Kathleen

After the restaurant, we stopped at a bar with a DJ. It was small inside but we got a table and ordered more drinks. It was about 3AM before we finally got home. We decided next time to drink before we go out so we don't have to spend so much money on it when we are out. Everything was normally priced but when you compare it to the dollar it feels like you spent wayyy too much. Kathleen and Anna slept in my apartment and we didn't wake up until about 1 pm.

After we finally rolled ourselves out of bed, we went in search of a cafe to get a sandwich and coffee. Somehow that turned into us taking the SBahn one stop to Unter den Linden Strasse and spending the day sightseeing.

Some pretty wild flowers on a side street near my apartment

We stopped at a pizza place for lunch had the worlds worst pizza. Not only was it really bland tasting but we thought it would be a good idea to add some crushed red pepper to it. Normally I can stand a small amount so I figured this would be the same situation. Nope. The guy warned us that their red pepper was really hot but it didn't prepare us for the ridiculous truth of that statement. It was one of the hottest things I have ever eaten. I had to run up and order another drink. While I was waiting in line, I thought my lips were going to melt off and I had to inhale and exhale real slow. The girl in front of me kept looking at me weird and I was sweating by the time I got my drink.

After our torturous meal, we went over to a famous palace by the Opera to have dessert and coffee. The palace is a hotel/restaurant/cafe and is famous for the cakes and pastries it has. We each got a slice of cake (it took us like 3o minutes to choose) and shared them. They were unbelievable. It made up for our disastrous meal by far.

After that we ventured across the street where they were having a second hand book sale. I got a two German books to read. One is about the level of a fifth grader and the other is middle school level. I am really excited to read them because it will really help my German. I hope to be to be able to read much harder books by the time I leave. My host mother gave me like ten more books to read as well.

We also saw many very famous buildings like the Dom and Germany History Museum. We plan to go back tomorrow so we can go into all the buildings and really spend time learning about all the history. We also found this huge hidden library that we are going to buy a month pass for. It is beautiful! We plan on going there to do homework and study. Why not? It is hundreds of years old and I dont know when I will ever have the opportunity to study in somewhere like it again. Im really excited about it.
The library we love.

I ate dinner with my family when I got home and played card games with Charlotte and my host mother. They spoke only in German and I had to ask them only once in a while to explain in English. This is a good sign! I am slowly getting there...

I hope everyone is doing well back in the US. I miss you all and wish you could be here with me!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! i am so happy i facebook stalked you and found this blog! it sounds soo amazing and i am ridiculously jealous/happy for you. i seriously feel like i am reading a novel and i love it! miss you and i am so glad you're enjoying your trip!
