Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pre - Germany

Hey Everyone!

So I decided the easiest way for everyone to see what I am doing for the next two months, I would keep a blog while I am in Berlin. I will try to keep up with it as much as possible and add photos when I figure out how.

I am leaving for Germany in 5 days and I can hardly believe it. I have always wanted to study abroad and I can not fathom that I am actually going to do it. I will be living with a family in the center of Berlin. They have an 11 year old girl and a 13 year old boy. Hopefully, they will be able to show me the city and finally help me cross the language bridge of fluency.

I am both nervous an excited. I have no idea what my experience will be like but I hope it is incredible. I will arrive in Germany on Saturday at 11:30 am (their time). I will be six hours ahead of US time while I am there.

Anyways, check here for anything new and probably awkward stories I will accumlate while I am there. See you all again in August! :)